Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!

We are so excited about Christmas! My Mom and Jerry's Mom are driving down to our place together to stay the 19th- 23rd. I have several days off from work, so we are gonna have a GREAT time! We are so happy that they get to see what we've done so far with the house.

We are working on insulating and wiring the house now. It really is coming together!

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL Christmas and a Blessed New Year! Be safe this Holiday season if you are traveling!

God Bless!


Saturday, December 8, 2007

Merry Christmas!!

Well, it's not your traditional atmostphere for Christmas, but we are making the most of it, for sure!

The house is dried in "yeah!", the electricity and insulation is the project now.

We put up a Christmas tree in Brittany's room. It's the only room that had insulation done in it. We about froze putting up the tree!! Won't forget those memories, they are froze into our heads!! hee hee.

Hope all is well with everyone, and hope you have a WONDERFUL Christmas!